To Choke or Not to Choke II

Please read the original XCritic To Choke or Not to Choke and CAVR reply 

This is Don Houston's reply.

Recently, I wrote a blog advocating consumer choice in porn, suggesting
    that people be able to buy titles that show consenting adults engaging
    in sex without a interference from well meaning people (be they from
    the government, the church, or individuals) that seek to limit your
    access to what gets you off. Out of common courtesy, I did not mention
    who was trying his best to prevent you from seeing what you wanted but
    he has opened the door to scrutiny by posting a copy of my blog
    (discarding "fair use standards") and trying again to support his failed
    arguments against choking in porn and then making a lopsided comparison
    of his review website versus Xcritic. Rather than bash the guy, I
    welcome his comments as they help reinforce the mission at Xcritic to
    serve the public trust over promoting a private agenda. So here are a
    few points to consider for those that care:

Den has long been like a kindred spirit of mine, his outlines of porn titles
    perhaps lacking depth but certainly making up for it in sheer quantity.
    Our personal tastes in porn are quite similar and we often find ourselves
    at odds with other reviewers and organizations because neither one of us
    is a pack animal. Lets face it, there is a distinctive tendency in the
    world of porn commentary to run with the pack, many waiting to see what
    others say before venturing into reviews or scathing comments. Some of
    this is because production companies are typically run by people that
    make sure the rest of us march to their tune lest they apply various
    sanctions, this dynamic followed by most in the industry, including trade
    journals, gossip websites, and publicists that are unable to think of the
    long term benefit of truthful reviews or articles (making me appreciate
    the folks that are smarter and more progressive in how they view the term
    "Free Speech").

That said, it has long been appreciated when I find folks that think outside
    the box even when I disagree with them. Some, like Gram P., make a
    cottage industry of witty writing and contrary thought that borders on
    clever so often that if I were to take his prose at face value, I would
    probably hate anything released in adult entertainment.  Others, like
    Roger P., have singularly impressed me with their ability to find the
    best side of everything they watch, a trait I admittedly need a lot more
    work on.  Then, guys like Den come along and almost single-handedly
    manage to reset the proverbial clock by the way they show a willingness
    to take a stand and defend it, suffering the potshots taken by some
    pretty nasty industry types in the process.

With a substantial amount of respect and admiration in mind, it is with this
    concept that I now take my mentor to task yet again for his stance on
    breath play in porn, as well as his limited understanding of what makes
    Xcritic tick. Please keep in mind that friends can agree to disagree
    (even aggressively disagree) without making it personal as some
    allegedly "consumer friendly" consortium websites have in the past
    (blackmailing production companies and initiating boycotts in a passive
    aggressive manner is unfair and considered illegal in some places). My
    original blog on the matter was To Choke or Not To Choke: Consumer
    Choices and with that in mind, here I go...

First off, since Den posted his response publicly instead of via email, I
    figure he must have wanted a public response.  I'll email him a link as
    he did to his recent article as a courtesy to my pal, this discussion a
    microcosm of what has been discussed in porn on one level or another
    since the 70's and earlier. I begin by answering his question about what
    choking scenes were so good that I awarded.  Truth be told, this is an
    easy question though based on a faulty premise since I don't "award a
    score" so much as consider a title EARNS a rating.  I suggest Den and
    others simply look for titles by well known extreme directors like Jim
    Powers, Jake Malone, Mason, Jules Jordan, Belladonna, and several others
    that employ hardcore acts in their porn flicks. Read the reviews and you
    will often find my comments about how the women look like they are really
    into the choking or pounding hard screwing. See, it is not the choking
    that elevates the rating in these cases (I'm not a fan of the practice),
    it is the fact that the ladies are into it or at least acting that way
    (as evidenced by the BTS footage, their responses during the scene
    itself, or occasionally when they tell me as much via a phone call or

Den then took a fellow reviewer, Ravyn, to task on her rating for a movie
    called Cry Wolf from Vivid Entertainment. I repeatedly tried to explain
    to him how ratings vary between websites but as long as I've been
    instructing people in numerous careers (successfully at that), I wasn't
    able to enlighten him that his 6 to 9 point scale is not universal, a
    "6" foisted on the title merely because it had some minor choking and
    drug use as part of the plot. Remember, Vivid is a company most consider
    to be too couples oriented with watered down sex (they have come a long
    way in recent years though, showing a williness to change with the times
    and provide some very strokable porn) so a few seconds of a single act
    resulting in Den lowering what would have been a top pick.  Den and I
    examined the particulars and found his problem though, he uses a
    mathematical formula that reduces any movie to a handful of numbers that
    are then divided for the final result (adjusted for elements he hates
    like choking, any sign of a gun in a shot, or any sign of fictional drug
    use).  Ravyn, on the other hand, points out that a movie that makes her
    hot and sticky like Cry Wolf, was better than the sum of its parts, the
    idea that the totality of the movie worked better for her than it did for
    a guy old enough to be her father.  Frankly, I like tech specs as much as
    anyone but losing sight of the forest because all those darned trees are
    in the way is the best analogy I can come up with here.

Cry Wolf from Vivid was "too rough?!?"

We then discovered the root of Den's initial discomfort with her review being
    the choking aspects, his quest to eliminate it from modern porn falling
    somewhat short in the last decade.  To quote his comments: "I am very
    happy that there have been no choking deaths on a porn set. We sure don't
    need any snuff movies.  My concern is the effect the choking scenes cause
    to the viewing public. The ole monkey-see-monkey-do syndrome. Guy tries
    choking his wife with tragic results."  This line of thinking would
    reduce all porn, and any entertainment material to the lowest common
    denominator.  Sorry, we can't have guns in action movies because
    impressionable people might decide to emulate their movie star heroes.
    Sorry, we can't show sex because so many people catch diseases in real
    life when they also engage in risky behaviors.  We then go through his
    latest approach of showing a Google search of choking that yielded
    results of an overly zealous mother charged with choking her daughter
    as a form of parental discipline, an NBA star charged with choking
    another man in a fight, and so on.  Most people would realize the
    difference between consensual sex play and people trying to inflict
    pain/suffering on others out of anger.  At least Den will now admit that
    there have been no deaths in porn related to the act in question (almost
    all such deaths reported by the media being "Auto-erotic Asphyxiation"
    where a person literally hangs themself while masturbating to get a
    stronger rush (the mere fact that a porn set includes other people that
    could call for assistance, take someone to a hospital, etc, if things
    went too far).

He then took Hustler to task for some of their titles lacking a Behind the
    Scenes feature as advertised (in at least a number of cases, they could
    argue that such footage was indeed present during the ending credits or
    before the couples had sex, in others the added expense of reprinting
    the box cover when the final cut of the movie required cutting the BTS
    or losing the far more important longer sex scenes).  Wicked Pictures
    served as another example of misconduct with Delilah, an artistic feature
    by Michael Raven, did not meet with his approval (in my review of the
    title, I pointed out that while I wasn't keen on the technical aspects,
    it was a pretty good movie) and the company refused to be interrogated
    over it.  Mason, JM Productions, and others were also taken to task as
    much as the industry itself for not adopting specific guidelines in line
    with Den's way of thinking, including his rose colored remembrance of
    the "good old days" when a single guy could force everyone to do as he

I think he got confused about some points too, suggesting he is the minority
    regarding mentioning choking in reviews (almost every reviewer I know at
    almost every website I've been to mentions prolonged choking as a sex act
    in their reviews), or that companies care if it is mentioned in reviews
    (not a single company has ever taken me to task for saying something
    about choking, even when I pointed out it looked too real or the gal was
    in pain).  I'd be exceptionally curious to know who won't send him
    screeners based on that point alone (many companies have cut back sending
    out screeners, preferring to send them only to websites that are going to
    thoroughly review them in depth, not quicky outlines).  The reliance on
    what a few industry lawyers believed at the 2008 AEE and a few unnamed
    companies was another red herring, most of them that I know of don't
    include choking because they focus on lighter sexual encounters (no cases
    have been brought against companies solely on choking in the past 35+
    years and if listening to lawyers is a good idea, remember that virtually
    every company discarded the infamous Cambria List long ago).

Then he came up on the topic of condoms since my blog pointed out the lack of
    them has resulted in more work days missed, more tragedy, and an
    assortment of deaths.  Choking has not caused a single porn death and
    even the biggest stretch of the imagination yields no conclusive proof
    tying a fan to emulating a choking scene that resulted in death but a
    quick glance at the CDC statistics shows hundreds of thousands of deaths
    tied to unsafe sex.  Where is the balance in that kind of stance???

The bottom of his article then goes to a selective point/counter point
    regarding his website versus Xcritic.  Xcritic conceivably awards points
    for choking (not quite) and Den cuts them off at the knees, Xcritic is
    modern looking with 8600+ reviews while Den is 10+ years out of date
    with a great many more outlines but not reviews, Xcritic lacks an
    alphabetical index, he praises us for being so much higher in Alexa
    ratings, and missed some of the features we have at Xcritic.  Here's a
    few of them he missed:

      Xcritic   has thousands of pictures of performers taken by staffers at
                events and in the form of screen captures, not imported
                galleries while... 
      Den       does not have pictures (though in fairness, he caught up
                to adding box covers)

      Xcritic   holds contests like the current one where Sunny Lane will
                masturbate for you, call out your name, and you get a copy
                of it or Teagan Presley will have phone sex with you, for
      Den       hands out a wooden plaque to some people each year in the

      Xcritic   regularly publishes a Blue Room column with early looks at
                titles, and recaps a bunch of top picks by a wide variety
                of reviewers from all backgrounds
      Den       is a one man show without a column or regular early looks
                at titles

      Xcritic   has a large selection of Bloggers from the industry like
                Stoya, Penny Flame, Tricia Devereaux, Kayden Kross,
                Ashlynn Brooke, Adrenalynn, Teagan Presley, Eva Angelina,
                Riley Steele, and many more (including newcomers like
                director's B. Skow and Aunt Gertrude)
      Den       has no bloggers

      Xcritic   has a series of year end lists that are said to influence
                numerous others
      Den       has a single list of far smaller scope and hands out some
                small trophies

      Xcritic   has a series of forums for fans to discuss matters with
                others while 
      Den       does not

      Xcritic   has an extensive list of High Definition titles reviewed
                easily found via prominent links (as well as Gay titles
                for those who care)
      Den       has a link to his outlines that further link to his
                original SD reviews with nothing new added

      Xcritic   has an advice column hosted by Joanna Angel (and her lovely
      Den       offers advice about choking in porn 

      Xcritic   offers sales, coupons, and special deals that are unrelated
                to the editorial content
      Den       offers a link to his email address 

      Xcritic   offers a wide variety of reviewers from all sorts of
                backgrounds possessing a lot of specific expertise
      Den       is a nice guy with a lot of titles outlined but few done in

In any case, both websites have a lot to offer people depending on what you
    are looking for, each listed on the incredibly helpful IAFD.  Den is a
    good guy that I agree with a lot of the time, but just as I like screen
    captures and trailers in my reviews, I also like seeing more detail than
    he tends to provide.  He is welcome to blog for Xcritic if he changes his
    mind because we adhere to the premise of "an open mind, not an empty head"
    and appreciate those that provide a different point of view even when we
    disagree with it.  As a consumer advocate myself, I stand behind my
    original blog that advocated consumer choice over marching lockstep into
    an series of slippery slopes where the lowest common denominator reigns,
    the mission of Xcritic to provide readers with the choices they need to
    make for what gets them off.  We're still a work in progress and have
    been determined to add a super powerful search engine (our website-wide
    one is getting exceptionally good and the reviews can also be searched
    via the IAFD or www.adultfilmdatabase) but need your help in figuring out
    what YOU want us to provide.

    Feel free to email me with comments at Houstondon at my hotmail account
    if you are too shy for the forums...  :) 
My reply: 10/15/2008.
First of all I want to thank Don for his reply and nice thoughts. It looks
    to me that nothing has changed on the choking front. Den is still
    against it and Don is not.

I do want to apologize to Don for not making myself clear concerning my
    XCritic - CAVR comparison. I was referring to only the Reviews
    portion of XCritic.

I want to thank Don for making the correction to the Cry Wolf review
    and I want to thank Ravyn C. for all of her very fine reviews.
    She has a very nice and very personal blog about this subject
    that can be found on XCritic.

I will try to be brief as possible.

CAVR reviews sex movies and writes about the sex in the movie. CAVR
    has always said that you should read others reviews (such as
    Rog, Don, AstroKnight, Bono-One, etc.) for a full and more
    complete review.

    I am only really interested in the sex in these sex movies.

    I write very brief info that basically goes along the lines
    of A had sex with B and C watched. The old KISS theory is
    fine with me.
       Example from most recent blockbuster:
         Den wrote      Anal
         Don wrote      He took her 'F..king Slutty Ass'.
       I could never write a very detailed verbose review in a
         million years and I admire Don for his very informative
         and lengthy reviews. He is very good.

Search Engine   XCritic is working on fixing their search
                  engine and that is good news.
                CAVR is very happy with their search engine
                  and I am glad I finally added it.

Movie Index     XCritic is not too keen on having A to Z movie index
                  and I am not sure why.
                CAVR is quite proud of having A to Z movie index and
                  will always have it.

Stars           XCritic has many Porn Star interviews, blogs,
                  interviews, etc. XCritic does not have an
                  A to Z Porn Stars index.
                CAVR thinks the most important thing about Porn
                  movies is the Porn Stars. CAVR provides:
                    A to Z Stars list and the ladies reviews.
                    List of Top 3 Stars by Year.
                    List of Top Newbies.
                    List of Top Stars.
                    List of Top Contract Stars (MVP).
                    List of 1996 - 2008 CAVR nominees.

Web Scenes      XCritic currently does not review the
                  newest thing on the block: On-line web scenes.
                CAVR has just started reviewing on-line
                  web scenes and I am quite frankly feeling
                  my way around as I venture into this.

Links           XCritic acknowledges CAVR has a link to
                CAVR has a link of each of the Stars in
                  a review to that shows:
                    Picture of the Star.
                    Basic info and stats about her.
                    List of her movies.
                      Rebeca Linares example: iafd          

Lists           XCritic provides lists of current rankings and
                  previous years listing.
                CAVR provides daily update of all their lists:
                  Reviews list by Title and Points on the same page.
                  Reviews list by Genre.
                  Best reviews list.
                  Worse reviews list.
                  Web Scenes list by Title and Points on same page.
                  Web Scenes list by Porn Star, by Studio and by Director.
                  Director list.
                  BTS list.
                  Stats list.

Points          XCritic provides a rating in 5 categories and then an
                  overall rating. The detail rating points is not used
                  for the overall rating.
                CAVR provides a rating in 3 or 4 categories and that
                  is the basis for the overall rating. CAVR lowest
                  rating is 6.00 and provides a 'worse' of the year
                  list. Choking movies rate 7.00 and are not automatically
                  on the 'worse' of the year list.

Hi Def          XCritic provides some very nice Blu-ray reviews
                  and gay reviews.
                CAVR reviews Blu-ray (and HD DVD) and selects
                  the best Hi Def of the year for a trophy.
                    2006 Camp Cuddly Pines HD DVD - Wicked
                    2007 Babysitters HD DVD       - Digital Playground
                    2008 ?                        - Day & Date only.

Guns            XCritic apparently has no problem with guns being used
                  in sex movies.
                CAVR is against sex movies that shows gals giving a gun
                  a BJ and guns being inserted.

Hustler         XCritic apparently thinks it is okay to have
                  deceptive DVD boxcovers.
                CAVR says it is wrong for Hustler to have 44 DVDs
                  for 1 full year with this boxcover ripoff!
                    Please note: A few years ago Elegant Angel
                    released a movie with the boxcover saying
                    it had a Behind-the-Scenes and it did not.
                    I pointed this out on Adult DVD Talk. Within
                    3 hours Patrick Collins posted that he was sorry
                    for the problem and anyone could return the DVD
                    for a full refund or if they wanted to keep the DVD,
                    he would give them $5.00 off their next purchase!

Wicked          XCritic has no problem with Wicked not explaining
                  what happened to Delilah DVD.
                CAVR pointed out a major fault with the DVD.
                  Wicked recalled the DVD and asked me to
                  remove my review. My emails on this were
                  not answered for over 6 months. Then I got
                  an email from a Wicked VP saying that I was
                  the only person to complain and that 'AVN
                  gave it a good review'. I still think that
                  Wicked should issue a press release on this.
Trophies        XCritic does not have year-end trophies.
                  (At least I could not find a picture of what their
                  trophy looks like). XCritic is not fond of CAVR trophy.
                CAVR provides 10 or so black acrylic engraved trophies
                  annually. Sample:

                  I am very proud of this simple trophy and I remember
                  the first time I presented a trophy in person. It was
                  at the 2000 East Coast Video Show and was given to
                  Tera Patrick, 1999 Best New Star. According to Digital
                  Playground's website, it is the very first trophy DP
                  ever won. 
                    Please note:
                      AVN switched to a similar trophy 2 years later and
                      just recently added the winner's name to the trophy.
                      CAVR has never had a wood trophy.

Web Sites       XCritic is a very fine web site that does very
                  good reviews and has a lot of other items
                  that people love. They have a good Alexa
                  rating. They have a very nice reputation.
                CAVR is a text based review web site only. 
                  It has a reputation as the review web site
                  that other reviewers use.
                  (I actually think is the best!).